Star-tup of the month: La Déchetèque begins a new partnership with Eclosia Group

Partnership with Eclosia Group 

After protracted negotiations, La Déchetèque has successfully secured a partnership with the Eclosia group, a local conglomerate. 

Through this agreement, Eclosia will provide valuable support, both in kind and financially, to help support our shared vision and goals. In return, they are committed to delivering returns on investment as per the funding for equity agreement. This arrangement also allows for a possible extension of 3 years.

Furthermore, they have received in-kind contributions not only from Eclosia but also from its partners and contacts. This underscores the influential impact of word-of-mouth recommendations from a reputable conglomerate in accessing growth opportunities in Mauritius. 

Funding Plans 

La Déchetèque’s mid-term aim has been to establish a physical store where customers can easily access and purchase their recycled products, and the good news is that they now have one located in Floreal.  

Their next significant milestone is to expand awareness of their services across the entire island and within the Indian Ocean region. With a considerable portion of their funding allocated to marketing and advertising efforts, they aim to reach a wider audience and promote their sustainability mission. The remaining funds will support their administrative needs now that they have a dedicated team in place to help in the achievement of their goals.  

Funding Challenges 

To any startup keen on raising funds soon, La Déchetèque’s story provides valuable lessons that may be helpful in your funding quest. La Déchetèque’s founder, Stephanie Bouloc, admits that the negotiations with the Eclosia Group were prolonged, primarily due to challenges in determining the company’s valuation. 

Lacking expertise in the field, she spent a significant time deliberating on it, but, thankfully, with the help of our mentors—Michel Cordani and Michel Juanico—she navigated the valuation process more effectively. However, reaching a consensus on the deal, she says, required multiple rounds of negotiations, involving revisions to the evaluations until a compromise was achieved.  

Advice to upcoming entrepreneurs 

Stephanie emphasizes the importance of passion in one’s craft—It's what fuels an entrepreneur's persistence, especially during challenging times when financial rewards may not meet their initial expectations.  

She advises entrepreneurs to belief in their dreams: to recognize that the idea itself is just the starting point; the true journey lies in navigating the complex landscape of entrepreneurship, overcoming obstacles, and continually adapting to find novel ways to move forward.  

Most importantly, she emphasizes the essence of selecting the right investors. Her advice is to look for investors whose values and vision align with those of the entrepreneur; those who prioritize value creation over simply making money. While it may take time to find investors who share this perspective, she says, patience is key. Ultimately, partnering with investors who are genuinely committed to an entrepreneur's success can make a significant difference in the long run. 

La Plage Factory 20 Aug, 2024 LPF