Walk the talk with our incubation program

Photo credits: Getty images.

Take a moment and reminisce about when you were a child—when you needed your parents to guide and show you how to walk.  Maybe you didn’t know then, but you have probably witnessed the crucial role parents play during this child’s formative years through other children.  

This is the story of our unique incubation program. Made up of two solid pillars—business design method (Vianeo) and quality mentorship, it plays the parental role of accompanying our upcoming entrepreneurs in their journey to impact the world. Our program provides a framework to assess their idea, solution, impact, and validate a product-market fit. Here is how the magic happens. 

When our startups join our community as an incubator, we provide a conducive environment for them to grow individually from their infant to maturity stages—when they become eligible to receive funding from business angels and venture capital. 

Business design 

Right after cooptation and onboarding, we run a two-day intensive workshop. The workshops are animated by our certified Vianeo experts. We are proud that our mentor, Frédéric Waeber, has become the first one in Africa to become a Vianeo certified expert. During the workshops, we conduct a 360° overview of the five key components of any startup project. The goal is to allow startups to find a solid product-market fit and, consequently, design their MVP and business model.  

One of our Vianeo workshops in progress at our Coworking spaces in Port Louis.


While Vianeo provides a consistent method to design viable ventures, the success of our startups relies strongly on our team of mentors. During our cooptation process, we are matching entrepreneurs with the right mentor and fostering long-lasting startup-mentor relationships. Mentors act as true partners and help bolster the efforts of the business design method by acting as the light to guide entrepreneurs to the end of the dark tunnel of uncertainty and novelty that comes with incubation. Like children, our startups can safely and confidently saunter through the entrepreneurial journey thanks to the enriching incubation process, which provides the right conditions for their growth. 

Coupled together, our mentorship and business design tools make entrepreneurial progress faster, wholesome, rich with experience, and impactful. 

La Plage Factory 05 Dec, 2023 LPF